Call for Papers
Please use the appropriate templates as described in the section ‘Submission Details’.
EnviroInfo 2023 is the 37th edition of the long-standing and well-established international and interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental information and communication technologies. Combining and shaping national and international activities in the field of applied informatics and environmental informatics in making the world a better place for living, the EnviroInfo conference series aims at presenting and discussing the latest state-of-the-art development on ICT and environmental related fields.
A special focus on this years’ conference will be the topic “Towards a Sustainable Digital Society”. Therefore, EnviroInfo 2023 welcomes papers that are related to topics like:
- Green Computing – a complete overview from development and coding to execution and visualization.
- Sustainable computing, software engineering and digital transformation in general
- Energy-efficient workloads and energy-aware computing concepts
- Harmonization of environmental management information systems
- Shaping our digital society through legal frameworks
However, due to the interdisciplinary character of environmental informatics there is a wide range of topics that were already central to previous conferences and will be still in the heart of the EnviroInfo 2023. Examples include:
- Earth Observation and Monitoring
- Environmental Modelling and Simulation
- Applications of Geographical Information Systems
- Environmental Information Systems
- Core and emerging technologies in Environmental Informatics
- Agent-based simulations in Environmental Informatics
- Environmental Informatics in Smart Environments: Smart Homes, Buildings, Cities, Communities, Smart Farming
- Citizen science in Environmental Informatics
- Disaster risk modelling and assessment, disaster response
- Environmental sensors and environmental informatics
- Environmental informatics and the Atmospheric Environment
- Sustainable transportation and energy systems
- Managing and mitigating climate change and extreme events
- Sustainable resource management and circular economy
- Robotics and reinforcement learning in Environmental Informatics
- AI Applications
- Rebound effects of ICT
- Economizing Nature
- Societal aspects of Environmental Informatics
- Environmental Informatics for Developing Countries
Moreover, EnviroInfo 2023 welcomes papers, where ICT technologies or software frameworks are used to reduce the environmental and especially the carbon footprint in their domain and thereby, support the general sustainable digital transformation.
Therefore, one important goal of this year’s conference will be to present an overview of challenges, impediments and moreover approaches on a broad basis across domains to tackle environmental challenges. EnviroInfo 2023 will be organized in Main track and Special Tracks focusing on certain special topics.
Important Dates
- 18.06.2023 Deadline Call for Papers – Submission Deadline for Full Research Papers and Short/Work in Progress papers
- 24.07.2023 Notification of Acceptance for all Papers
- 21.08.2023 Deadline Paper Submission (camera ready)
As in previous years, there will be two types of publication, Full Research Paper and Short Paper/Work in Progress. Furthermore ,a poster submission and a talk only presentation is also possible.
Full Research Papers:
Accepted full papers will be published in the Springer book series “Progress in IS”, Advances in Environmental Informatics. The Scope of Full Paper contributions is 15 +/- 2 pages. These papers will be peer reviews on basis of your summited paper.
Short or Work in Progress papers:
Accepted short or work in progress papers will be published in the Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings – Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI). The Scope of this paper contributions is 8 pages plus/minus 2 pages. These papers will be peer reviews on basis of your summited paper.
Type | Submission/ Reviewing | Publication | Deadline | Publishing House |
Full scientific research paper | Complete text for peer review | 15 pages in a springer book (+/- 2 pages) with ISBN | 18.06.2023 | Springer |
Work in progress or short contribution (problems, ideas, visions) | Complete text for peer review | 8 pages (+/- 2 pages) published with ISBN | 18.06.2023 | LNI |
Full scientific paper
LaTeX / Word templates and proceedings guidelines for the full scientific papers to be published by Springer can be found under:
Work in progress & short papers
For work in progress and short papers please use the following template. You can find an example here.
The event will be organized in close cooperation with the Technical Committee of Environmental Informatics of the German Informatics Society.